Bez PDV-a: 117,000.00 RSD
Parking, ticketing sistem za kontrolu parkinga ili prodaju karata, sistem moze da kontrolise barijere za prolaz ljudi ili vozila, ima mogucnost integracije sa IP kamerama radi slikanja ili prepoznavanja ljudi, prepoznaje boju, tip vozila, marku vozila i ANPR-LPR tablice. Kontrola rampe ili tripoda, sistem moze da se poveze sa drugim postojecim softwerima putem API SDK, Integracija se dodatno naplacuje, Moze da radi direktno sa SQL ili MYSQL bazom koja je na drugom serveru, Uz sistem je ukljucena Aplikacija za prodaju ulaznica i kontrolu parkinga i naplate sa izdavanje fiskalnog racuna. Na Pi3 moze da se implementira printer za stampu ulaznica ili barcode karte za naplatu. Imam mogucnost stamapnja QR coda i naplatu putem Mobilnih aplikacija i SMSa, integracija sa SMS provajderom se naplacuje po svakoj uplati.
Hardware connections on Pi3
Out port
Open barrier 1 x1 relay
Open barrier 2 x1 relay
Close barrier 1 x1 relay
Close barrier 2 x1 relay
Printer over USB Zebra printer KR403 KIOSK PRINTER
LED traffic lights display over i2C, RS242, RS485
LED STATUS over 3 pins
IN ports
Digital-In, contact from Inductive loop x 3 ir sensor
Digital-In, input Button for start printing
IP camera get image of car, and LPR, Picture store in Local SD card and Server
IP camera Licence plate recognition LPR camera Licence Plate Recognition Camera is Dahua DHI-ITC237 PW1B IRZ,
RS232 Barcode reader connect to Pi
Just one car can be between barriers, like on the picture,
System starting LPR automatically, camera send data over FTP or HTTP to Pi each 1sec. if this car plate is in the database, system must stop receive RFID card and don’t allow to print ticket, after recognize plate and if this plate have right for entering you open next ramp.
If don’t recognize car plate or if this car plate not have right for entering then driver can punch card to reader or press button for printing ticket.
If driver punch RFID card you need to check is this card have right for entrance in database and open next Barrier, but if not have right for entering driver have only 1 solutions must take ticket.
After take ticket and remove ticket from printer you open next barrier.
Exit barrier is normally opened, just one car can be between barriers,
System starting LPR automatically, camera send data over FTP or HTTP to Pi each 1sec. if this car plate is in the database, system stop receive RFID card and don’t allow to reading barcode, after recognize plate and if this plate have right for EXIT you open next ramp.
If don’t recognize car plate or if this car plate not have right for EXIT or in then driver can punch card to reader or press button for TICKET TO BARCODE READER.
If driver punch RFID card you need to check is this card have right for EXIT in database and open next Barrier, but if not have right for EXIT driver have only 1 solutions must punch barcode ticket to Barcode reader. If barcode have right for exit you open exit barrier,
If barcode not have payed jet, driver need to return in parking and pay ticket. pi must open rear barrier.
Al, of this instruction we need to write on display,
we two Pi, one is for entering and second for exit
We have 3 type of identification
1. LPR (licence plate of recognition with Camera)
2. RFID (over Wiegand)
3. BARCODE for Guest (printing barcode ticket over USB and reading barcode ticket over RS232 barcode reader)
PRIVATE LPR or RFID registration
use two identification metod: LPR or RFID.
When vehicle coming to parking need to chack two conditions in the database with LPR or RFID
If LPR camera or RFID send to pi car plate what is registreted in database need to chack two conditions:
Status of this vehicle is it (0) {0= vehicle is outside; 1= vehicle is inside}
How many free space have for that company {we have this info in database}
This vehicle can eter the parking only if both conditions are fulfilled. If not both conditions fulfilled driver need to press button for printing ticket and take it. When vehicle entering his status change to (1) {1= vehicle is inside}
When leaving the vehicle from the parking beffore exit need to chack status of the vehicle is it (1) {1= vehicle is inside}
After vehicle exit from parking need to change status in database to(0) {0= vehicle is outside}