Brend: Ozak
Kod proizvoda: Ozak PG 03 90 PADDLE GATE
Dostupnost: Na lageru

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Speed Gate designed especially for elegant locations aiming pedestrian access control and low-medium level security. 

Provides improved access security through sensors. 

Also available with version suitable for pedestrians with reduced mobility (ADA access compliant passage width).

Technical Features

Place of Use Indoors.

Operating Temperature, Humidity-20°C/+68°C, RH 95% non-condensing.

Operating Intensity 100%, 7/24 use.

Operating Modes
System operates bi-directionally (entry-exit).
Operation modes can be changed through dip switch.
Entry - exit controlled                                     Entry - exit free
Entry controlled, exit free                                Exit controlled, entry free         

Control System
All functions, parameters and operating modes can be changed through the control board (microprocessor controlled).
All inputs are opto-coupler protected.
Controllable by dry contact (ground control).
Compatible with all kinds of access control device.
Optional RS232, RS485 or TCP/IP module is available.

Flow Rate
Wing opening / closing time : ~0,8-1,2 sec. (depending on the wing height)
Free passage mode  : ~50 pass/min.  Nominal  : ~25 pass/min.
(passage rate can change depending on the access control system utilized)

Emergency Mode
Wings provide a free passageway by automatically opening to the preferred direction adjustable by dip-switch (fail safe). Works compatible with fire warning and similar systems. At the end of an emergency situation, system returns to its normal operating mode.

Power-off Situation
Wings provide a free passageway pushed manually to either entry or exit direction (fail safe). Wings provide a free passageway by automatically opening to the preferred direction with the optional internal battery adjustable by dip-switch.

Single   : ~70 kg
Center  : ~85 kg

Optional Features and Accessories
Wireless remote control (receiver-transmitter), manual control, card reader mounting bracket ,motorized card collector unit and card collection box, coin slot and coin box, single/multiple intelligent coin/token slot and box, battery back-up, internal battery, RS232-RS485TCP/IP modules, different wing heights, 316 grade stainless steel, electrostatic powder coating on 304 grade stainless steel, bottom plate, stainless steel top lid.



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