Cominfo LiftCall integration - standard

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Kod proizvoda: Cominfo LiftCall integration - standard
Dostupnost: Na lageru

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Lift controller - integration of lift controller

LiftCall integration special - price - on reguest
Integration of lift controller (e.g. by Schindler, OTIS…)
  •  special integration with customization of cabinet (e.g. extension of cabinet length, extra side covers …)
  •  price peri integration of 1pcs. Lift controller
  •  Lift controller is not included
Integration of lift controller (e.g. by Schindler, OTIS…)
  •  standard integration without necessity of extension of cabinet length, extra side covers …
  •  price peri integration of 1pcs. Lift controller
  •  Lift controller is not included
Slicni proizvodi:
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Tip barijere: OSTALA OPREMA

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